Monday, February 23, 2009

Information Literacy

I found a couple of definitions of Information literacy and I swear that I laughed when I read them. I know it may not be very funny to anyone reading, but I have met so many people who are absolutely lazy and want to learn absolutely nothing with technology and or being active in a society...with people. My vision is anyone can learn regardless of age and with patience you can teach anyone. As a future educator, I know for a fact that I shouldn't even be thinking this way, but there are times, there are people out there that really just do not care. As patient of a person as I am, I admit I have just given up on one or two people when it came to showing them a few things around the computer. They wanted to learn, but they did not want to retain any information, nor did they really care for obtaining it in the first place. You have to pick your battles. The definitions I came across were: 

"Several conceptions and definitions of information literacy have become prevalent. For example, one conception defines information literacy in terms of a set of competencies that an informed citizen of an information society ought to possess to participate intelligently and actively in that society."

"The American Library Association's (ALA) Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, Final Report states, "To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information"

The two above definitions are the ones I like. There are several others, but all definitions encompass what Information Literacy should be for everyone. For me, it is common knowledge. Knowing how to act around people, in conversations with one or two or more. Knowing that the little thing next to the laptop is the mouse that moves the cursor on the screen. Or the touchpad on the keyboard that does the same thing. From the small to the large, there are certain things that people should know. It should be second nature for everyone when it comes to knowing how to act around people. Knowing how to be a decent member of society. Growing up with several cultures makes me feel very lucky, knowing how societies around the world interact has helped me be more patient, and more understanding towards peoples feelings. However, there will be times when I meet people as a future educator, and all of you as educators, when you just have to say..."I give up." With some people, you have to do that to keep your sanity, and keep your Information Literacy in high regards for yourself. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009


The first Organization I chose was the Association for Educational Communications and Technology(AECT).

Their statement.."The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) is a professional association of thousands of educators and others whose activities are directed towards improving instruction through technology. AECT members may be in found colleges and universities; in the Armed Forces and industry; in museums, libraries, and hospitals; in the many places where educational change is underway. AECT members carry out a wide range of responsibilities in the study, planning, application, and production of communications media for instruction."

Improving instruction through technology is why we are in this class. This organization seems to epitomize what we strive toward in terms of technology in the classroom. 

Another organization I found helpful was the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

their statement...

"The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), founded in 1981, is an international, not-for-profit, educational organization with the mission of advancing Information Technology in Education and E-Learning research, development, learning, and its practical application.AACE serves the profession with international conferences, high quality publications, leading-edge Digital Library, Career Center, and other opportunities for professional growth."

These guys seem to embody what we are in the classroom for. I said that about the previous organization but I am not saying that just to blow smoke. They use e-learning research, digital libraries, conferences and publications to help their followers. They are two top-notch "with-it" organizations that are there to help.